Monday, May 31, 2010

Further on the Topic of Travel Knitting

See my post over at the KnittyBlog.

You guys probably know that I'm part of the Knitty team - I am the grasshopper to sensei Mandy for technical editing. Love the work - it is precisely the combination of math and knitting that makes me happy. I've said this for a long time - I use my math significantly more in this world than I ever did in the tech industry, and technical editing really exercises that side of my brain. In addition, I find a strange pleasure in charting - it fires exactly the same neurons as doing Sudoku, and gives me precisely the same satisfaction.

Okay, okay, it's weird, I know - but the knitting world is benefiting from my weirdness in having well-written and accurate sock patterns. I use my powers for good!


Shannon said...

Oh my dear, the world is a better place for having you in it!

Natural fibre girl said...

I too love numbers. I'm going to take one of your classes on math & how it relates to knitting.
I always tell my clients "Knitting- it's all about the math" then they complain- & laugh!!
So, thanks for the fantastic math skills!!

Luneray said...

This knitter is eternally grateful for well written sock patterns and charts. Especially charts.

Isn't it ironic where educational skills come in useful? I work as a Civil Engineer but I did graduate study in Scandinavian Literature...and those skills got me the Technical Writing engineering job that I have now. Most engineers don't have good writing skills, and I do.